Hi, after a glowing response from last weekends catch up I thought I would follow it up with another
Beth xxx
- Friday night swimming
- finished Tom Daley book
- nice nude nails
- lazy Saturday breakfast
- tidying my room
- going to a rather exiting basket ball match (for the first time)
- Saturday night TV with lovely tea
- Sunday morning in bed cosy in my duvet
- finally working my camera after how many years of having it?
- rain on my window
- not doing my work (blaming that partly on you Josie)
- making chocolate cheesecake (yum)
- eating chocolate cheesecake -even better
- crazy coloured carrots for tea
- gorgeous roast -without the meat
- X-factor watching again

swimming OOTD
work every where
purple carrots!!!
rain on my window
nice nudes
Tom Daley
poached egg sandwich
how big are baby Ellie's paws???
(again these are my picture so please don't take them)
If these get boring please tell me, have a nice week.Thanks
Beth xxx
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