Hello everybody, this post is going to be a little random as I just need to update you all but my next post will be far more structured.
So first point is that recently I not been writing as much on my blog as i would like to.this is because a) I have had things going on in my life and b) I have felt I have been lacking some what in imagination of what to write on my blog.If you have being reading for a while you will be aware that I do go through stages of this, but I'm now back.
Second point is that I bought myself a big ass camera (no that's not the real name, it's a Nikon DLSR). I have been after one of these for so so long and I finally got one. This effects you cause my blog post will now come with shiny nice pictures (also if you watch my YouTube channel my videos will also be new and shiny).
Here are some pictures that I took on its first outing to the races yesterday.
me and my sister |
lily |
lily and my dad |
me and my sister |
Beth xxx
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